Nicole Chikwe On Defining Success For Herself, Wellness Hacks And Being A Mummy Mogul
As part of our campaign #ShesTheAuthority in honour of our IWD & our Moda Operandi launch, we're introducing a five-part interview series highlighting women who are luminaries in their various fields and are emerging or established leaders.
Meet Nicole Chikwe. Mummy Mogul extraordinaire. Ex Model, Media Personality, Entrepreneur and the Founder of The Mummy Summit, a community and conference that serves, connects and empowers African Millennial Mothers. Her online conference, Mummy Summit Digital, is the biggest digital conference for mothers in Sub-Saharan Africa. She is also the creator and host of the #1 most listened to podcast for mothers in Nigeria- Mum’s Worst Day . She is one of the most engaged Nigerian presences on social media. Using her extensive online and offline reach, she ran the Lagos Marathon in 2020 to drive awareness and raise N1.4m for the Cerebral Palsy Centre. Apart from motherhood, Nicole is also passionate about fitness and wellness, and uses her platform to promote a health conscious lifestyle. She has a BSc in Economics from the University of Birmingham and an MSc in Finance from the European School of Economics. She lives in Lagos with her husband and 3 children. Read on to learn about the West African powerhouse:
What inspired you to become a content creator?
Honestly, I inspired myself. When I first became a mum, it was really hard to find motherhood content that was relatable, engaging and honest. And so I decided to share my own personal experiences- with a liberal dose of humour- and being able to express myself, showcase myself creativity but yet relay helpful information has been most rewarding.
What keeps your work exciting?
My real life inspires and informs most of my content, so the more chaotic my life is, the higher my creativity levels.
What drives you to pursue new goals?
My innate desire to be the very best I can be pushes me to constantly challenge myself.
Your fashion crushes
Lisa Folawiyo is my number one fashion icon. I also really love Melissa Holdbrook-Akposoe (Melissa’s Wardrobe) and Fisayo Longe.
Your role models
My mother, Jessica Alba, and Emma Grede .
The best career advice you’ve ever received
It’s going to sound so cliche, but authenticity and staying true to yourself is the major-est key. Also, just start.
Career Highlights
Founding the biggest digital conference for mothers in Sub Saharan Africa- The Mummy Summit.
Ultimate Wellness Hacks
Drink water. Work out consistently. Everyone knows what to do. Just do it hun.
Beauty Must Haves
Vaseline, Sweet Almond Oil, Bondi Sands Sunscreen, Tom Ford Lost Cherry EDP.
The most challenging thing about being a content creator
Trying to drown out the noise and staying original. Being on SM so much can be incredibly draining.
How do you get support—or lend support—to the women around you?
I support the women around me by being available when they need me, and extending grace when I feel let down because we are all going through so much.
A typical day in your life
I’m usually up by 6. I help kids get ready for school, drop them off, and then head to morning Mass by 8am. By 9am I’m either at the gym back home to work out. This usually lasts for 90 mins, after which I’ll have a boring breakfast of egg whites, a slice of toast and then coffee. Then it’s shower time, and I work all the way up until my kids get home at 3.15pm. We discuss the day, eat together, tackle homework, and then I go back to work until around 7pm which is their shower time. After they are tucked in bed, I spend the rest of the evening gisting with Naeto, having dinner and watching tv shows. I’m usually asleep around midnight.
Favourite SOA Pieces
Obsessed with all, and when I say all, I literally mean every last piece- but I think it’ll have to be the Bonselulu earrings, the Ivie [Leopard earrings and of course, the KO earrings.
Photography: @ryanonifoto_ & @isokenogiemwonyi
Follow @nicolechikwe